About Hostel


One of the most prevalent advantages of staying in hostels is that students save time and energy by not having to go all the way to college. They can instead use this time to engage in useful activities such as morning yoga, reading classes, or sports.

Students can seek assistance from other students in the dormitory with a topic or subject that they find difficult. Group study for examinations is also very popular in dormitories. Notes, supplemental books, and model exam papers can also be accessed in the same way. To provide boarders with a calm and welcoming environment in which they can excel in their studies and personal growth. To instill in the students a sense of belonging and discipline. Hostel life also helps students become more self-sufficient in terms of money management and savings. Students in the hostel must study on their own because there is no one to oversee them, which causes them to develop in terms of deciding what they want to do with their lives.

A hostel is essentially a low-cost inn that provides basic, shared lodgings. Hostels often have a large room with separate beds, a shared bathroom and a communal kitchen. Some hostels provide private rooms, while the lower-cost ones typically provide bunk beds.

General Rules:

• Allotted rooms cannot be moved or swapped without approval from the Rector.The rector reserves the power to change the student's room.
• Students must return to their hostel rooms by 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 10.30 p.m. on Sunday.
• Students will not be allowed to stay in the hostel beyond the permitted period.
• Friends, parents, and guests are not permitted to stay at the hostel.
• Students should not keep excessive cash, valuables, or expensive electronic devices in the room. The hostel administration will not be liable for any loss, damage, or theft of personal items, cash, or other belongings (mobile phones, laptops, etc.).

Facility Photos